Bible Heaven
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1 And after these things I heard Isaiah 25:1-9 O Lord, thou art Luke 21:22 For these be the days of "Alleluia": "Praise ye Jah", this /
a great voice of much people in my God; I will exalt thee, I vengeance, that all things which praise appears only at the time of /
heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, will praise thy name; for thou are written may be fulfilled. rejoicing as the final victory is /
and glory, and honour, and power, hast done wonderful things; II Timothy 2:10...salvation which is in progress. The great government /
unto the Lord our God: thy counsels of old are faith- in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. and religious systems that has mart- /
2 For true and righteous are his fulness and truth. Luke 18:7-8 And shall not God avenge yred many saints have been destroyed /
judgments; for he hath judged the For thou hast made of a city his own elect, which cry day and by angels and now the long awaited /
great whore, which did corrupt the a heap; of a defensed city a night unto him, though he bear return of Christ for the final /
earth with her fornication, and ruin: a palace of strangers to long with them? victory is eminent. This is the /
hath avenged the blood of his be no city; it shall never be I tell you that he will avenge source of the greatest sense of joy /
servants at her hand. built. them speedily. Nevertheless, when that can ever be experienced. This /
3 And again they said, Alleluia. Therefore shall the strong the Son of man cometh, shall he is the end of suffering for the /
And her smoke rose up for ever people glorify thee, the city find faith on the earth? saints on earth for ever. /
and ever. of the terrible nations shall /
4 And the four and twenty elders fear thee. Matthew 22:2-3&8-9&12-14 The kingdom "Marriage of the Lamb": Christ has /
and the four beasts fell down and For thou hast been a strength of heaven is like unto a certain finally completed the preparation of /
worshipped God that sat on the to the poor, a strength to the king, which made a marriage for heaven for the receipt of all the /
throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia. needy in his distress, a refuge his son, saints and they have been called up /
5 And a voice came out of the from the storm, a shadow from And sent forth his servants to to participate with Christ in the /
throne, saying, Praise our God, the heat, when the blast of the call them that were bidden to the final victory and judgment. We do /
all ye his servants, and ye that terrible ones is as a storm wedding: and they would not come. not know what mysterious plan or /
fear him, both small and great. against the wall. Then saith he to his servants, occurrence has reached completion /
6 And I heard as it were the Thou shalt bring down the the wedding is ready, but they that triggers the beginning of this /
voice of a great multitude, and noise of strangers, as the heat which were bidden were not worthy. final victory, we only know that /
as the voice of many waters, and in a dry place; even the heat Go ye therefore into the high- Gods plans are that the maximum num- /
as the voice of mighty thunder- with the shadow of a cloud: the ways, and as many as ye find, bid ber of people should partake in this /
ings, saying, Alleluia: for the branch of the terrible ones to the marriage. great celebration and victory, for /
Lord god omnipotent reigneth. shall be brought low. ...he saw there a man which had he desires that none should be lost. /
7 Let us be glad and rejoice, And in this mountain shall the not on a wedding garment: The ecclesia is finally fully prepa- /
and give honour to him: for the Lord of hosts make unto all And he saith unto him, Friend, red for his coming. It is time for /
marriage of the Lamb is come, and people a feast of fat things; a how camest thou in hither not all suffering of the saints on earth /
his wife hath made herself ready. feast of wines on the lees, of having a wedding garment? And to come to an end. ALLELUIA!! /
8 And to her was granted that she fat things full of marrow, of he was speechless. /
should be arrayed in fine linen, wines on the lees well refined. Then said the king to the Rider on the white horse: "Faithful and /
clean and white: for the fine linen And he will destroy in this servants, Bind him hand and foot, True, and in righteousness he doth /
is the righteousness of saints. mountain the face of the and take him away, and cast him judge and make war","eyes as a flame /
9 And he saith unto me, Write, covering cast over all people, into outer darkness; there shall "a of fire","on his head many crowns /
Blessed are they which are called and the veil that is spread be weeping and gnashing of teeth. ", "name written, that no man knew", /
unto the marriage supper of the over all nations. For many are called, but few are "vesture dipped in blood","out of /
Lamb. And he saith unto me, These He will swallow up death in chosen. his mouth goeth a sharp sword", /
are the true sayings of God. victory; and the Lord God will II Corinthians 11-2 For I am jealous "a rod of iron", " he treadeth the /
10 And I fell at his feet to wipe away tears off all faces; over you with godly jealousy: for winepress of the fierceness and /
worship him. And he said unto me, and the rebuke of his people I espoused you to one husband, wrath", "KING of KINGS, and LORD of /
See thou do it not: I am thy fellow shall he take away from off all that I may present you as a chaste LORD" are the descriptive names used. /
servant, and of thy brethren that the earth: for the Lord hath virgin to Christ. Many of the false prophets of today /
have the testimony of Jesus: spoken it. Luke 14:15 And when one of them that will completely over look this /
worship God: for the testimony of And it shall be said in that sat at meat with him heard these aspect of the Lord, wanting to fool /
Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. day, Lo, this is our God; we things, he said unto him, Blessed the people into thinking that no /
have waited for him, and he is he that shall eat bread in the God of love could cause any harm /
will save us: this is the Lord: kingdom of God. to the people on earth, but we /
we have waited for him, we will II Timothy 4:1...the Lord Jesus Christ, definitely have seen otherwise. /
be glad and rejoice in his who shall judge the quick and the Judgment is a fact and a very /
salvation. dead at his appearing ... important part of the character of /
11 And I saw heaven opened, and Isaiah 11:4-5 But with righteous- Mark 13:24-27 But in those days, the Lord. Many will try to say that /
behold a white horse; and he that ness shall he judge the poor, after that tribulation, the sun the God of wrath is the God of the /
sat upon him was called Faithful and reprove with equity for shall be darkened, and the moon old covenant and not of the new /
and True, and in righteousness he the meek of the earth: and he shall not give her light, covenant, how can they study the /
doth judge and make war. shall smite the earth with the And the stars of heaven shall Bible and teach such things? Also /
12 His eyes were as a flame of rod of his mouth, and with the fall, and the powers that are in the saints join Him on their own /
fire, and on his head were many breath of his lips shall he heaven shall be shaken. white horses as they also are given /
crowns; and he had a name written, slay the wicked. And then shall they see the Son power to participate in this great /
that no man knew, but he himself. And righteousness shall be of man coming in the clouds with victory. We know from our study /
13 And he was clothed with vesture the girdle of his loins, and great power and glory. that among the slain will be many /
dipped in blood: and his name is faithfulness the girdle of his And then shall he send his angels, "good" and "religious" people who /
called The Word of God. reins. and shall gather together his elect have taken on the mark of the /
14 And the armies which were in Isaiah 66:15-16 For, behold, the from the four winds, from the beast and people that are greatly /
heaven followed him upon white Lord will come with fire, and uttermost part of the earth to the admire by those of the world. But /
horses, clothed in fine linen, with his chariots like a whirl- uttermost part of heaven. this does not change the fact that /
white and clean. wind, to render his anger with John 1:1&14 In the beginning was the they have willfully disobeyed the /
15 And out of his mouth goeth a fury, and his rebuke with Word, and the Word was with God, Lord and have followed the leader- /
sharp sword, that with it he flames of fire. and the Word was God. ship of the false prophets as they /
should smite the nations: and he For by fire and by his sword And the Word was made flesh, and spoke words that seemed good to /
shall rule them with a rod of iron: will the Lord plead with all dwelt among us, .... man. Man will say, what of those /
and he treadeth the winepress of flesh: and the slain of the II Thessalonians 2:8-9 And then shall that have never heard of the name /
the fierceness and wrath of Lord shall be many. that Wicked be revealed, whom the of Jesus Christ and what about the /
Almighty God. Isaiah 63:6 And I will tread down Lord shall consume with the spirit innocent child? For that reason we /
the people in mine anger, and of his mouth, and shall destroy are always reminded that the judg- /
make them drunk in my fury, with the brightness of his coming: ments of Christ, His angels and His /
and I will bring down their Even him, whose coming is after saints are righteous and just. We /
strength to the earth. the working of Satan with all may not fully understand all the /
16 And he hath on his vesture and Daniel 2:47 ..Of truth it is, that power and signs and lying wonders, details but we should constantly /
on his thigh a name written, KING your God is a God of gods, and II Peter 3:7 But the heavens and the remind all of that fact. /
OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. a Lord of kings,.... earth, which are now, by the same /
17 And I saw an angel standing in Ezekiel 39:17-20 ...thus saith the word are kept in store, reserved "The supper of the great God": This is /
the sun; and he cried with a loud Lord God; Speak unto every unto fire against the day of not a supper of great joy as is the /
voice, saying to all the fowls that feathered foul, and to every judgment and perdition of ungodly supper of the Lamb, instead it is of /
fly in the midst of heaven, Come beast of the field, Assemble men. the carnivorous animals of the earth /
and gather yourselves together unto yourselves, and come;... II Thessalonians 1:6-10 Seeing it is as they clean up the gory remains /
the supper of the great God; Ye shall eat the flesh of the a righteous thing with God to of the destruction. It would appear /
18 That ye may eat the flesh of mighty, and drink the blood of recompense tribulation to them that this final destruction would /
kings, and the flesh of captains, the princes of the earth, ... that trouble you; be a great relief for the evil /
and the flesh of mighty men, and Thus ye shall be filled at my And to you who are troubled rest people as they are finally free from /
the flesh of horses, and of them table with horses and chariots, with us, when the Lord Jesus shall the great suffering of the many /
that sit on them, and the flesh of with mighty men, and with all be revealed from heaven with his plagues that we have studied about. /
all men, both free and bond, both men of war, saith the Lord God. mighty angels, All that remain are finally slain to /
small and great. Daniel 7:21-22 I beheld, and the In flaming fire taking vengeance remain dead for a long period. How- /
19 And I saw the beast, and the same horn made war with the on them that know not God, and ever for the beast and the false /
kings of the earth, and their saints, and prevailed against that obey not the gospel of our prophet is reserved the special /
armies, gathered together to make them; Lord Jesus Christ: privilege of being cast directly /
war against him that sat on the Until the Ancient of days Who shall be punished with ever- into the "lake of fire" while still /
horse, and against his army. came, and the judgment was lasting destruction from the alive. We have no reason to believe /
20 And the beast was taken, and given to the saints of the presence of the Lord, and from the other than that this final destruct- /
with him the false prophet that Most High; glory of his power; ion is an actual physical destruct- /
wrought miracles before him, with Daniel 7:11 I beheld then, because When he shall come to be ion that is necessary to prepare the /
which he deceived them that had of the voice of the great words glorified in his saints, and to be earth for the reign of Christ on /
received the mark of the beast, which the horn spake: I beheld admired in all them that believe earth with his saints. It would /
and them that worshipped his even till the beast was slain, ... please many to believe that this is /
image. These both were cast alive and his body destroyed, and Hebrews 4:12-13 For the word of God a symbolic spiritual war, but we /
into a lake of fire burning with given to the burning flame. is quick, and powerful, and have no Biblical teachings that /
brimstone. sharper than any two-edged sword, would lead us to believe so. The /
21 And the remnant were slain with Isaiah 66:24 And they shall go piercing even to the dividing pain and suffering of the martyrs on /
the sword of him that sat upon the forth, and look upon the asunder of soul and spirit, and this earth is all to real to believe /
horse, which sword proceeded out of carcasses of the men that have of the joints and marrow, and is that the Lord could limit the final /
his mouth: and all the fowls were transgressed against me: for a discerner of the thoughts and suffering and destruction of the /
filled with their flesh. their worm shall not die, intents of the heart. evil person to that of a spiritual /
neither shall their fire be Neither is there any creature and symbolic war. /
quenched; and they shall be that is not manifest in his sight: /
an abhorring unto all flesh. but all things are naked and /
opened unto the eyes of him with /
whom we have to do. /
1 And I saw an angel come down Daniel 12:1-3 And at that time II Peter 2:2-4 And many shall follow Satan bound: Finally satan is no /
from heaven, having the key of the shall Michael stand up, the their pernicious ways; by reason longer able to lead men into evil. /
bottomless pit and a great chain great prince which standeth of whom the way of truth shall be His new home in the "bottomless /
in his hand. for the children of thy people: evil spoken of. Pit" seems to be different from /
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, and there shall be a time of And through covetousness shall the new home of the beast and the /
that old serpent, which is the trouble, such as never was they with feigned words make merch- false prophet in the "lake of fire". /
Devil, and Satan, and bound him a since there was a nation even andise of you: whose judgment now The "lake of fire" seems to be the /
thousand years, to that same time: and at that of a long time lingereth not, and final resting place for those of /
3 And cast him into the bottomless time thy people shall be their damnation slumbereth not. evil since we hear no more concern- /
pit, and shut him up, and set a delivered, every one that shall For if God spared not the angels ing the beast and the false prophet, /
seal upon him, that he should be found written in the book. that sinned, but cast them down to but satan will be released again. /
deceive the nations no more, till And many of them that sleep hell, and delivered them into We wonder why this event has been /
the thousand years should be ful- in the dust of the earth shall chains of darkness, to be reserved delayed so long, but again we must /
filled: and after that he must be awake, some to everlasting unto judgment; conclude that this delay has allowed /
loosed a little season. life, and some to shame and the maximum number of people to /
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat everlasting contempt. I Corinthians 15:21-27 For since by join Him in victory as difficult as /
upon them, and judgment was given And they that be wise shall man came death, by man came also this may be for us to understand. /
unto them: and I saw souls of them shine as the brightness of the the resurrection of the dead. (II Peter 3:9 "is long-suffering /
that were beheaded for the witness firmament; and they that turn For as in Adam all die, even so to us-ward, not willing that any /
of Jesus, and for the word of God, many to righteousness, as the in Christ shall all be made alive. should perish, but that all /
and which had not worshipped the stars for ever and ever. But every man in his own order: should come to repentance.") /
beast, neither his image, neither Daniel 7:26-27 But the judgment Christ the firstfruits; afterward /
had received his mark upon their shall sit, and they shall take they that are Christ's at his The millennium: A thousand years of /
foreheads, or in their hands; and away his dominion, to consume coming. reign on earth which some scholars /
they lived and reigned with Christ and to destroy it unto the end. Then cometh the end, when he shall believe to be symbolic of an indef- /
a thousand years. And the kingdom and dominion, have delivered up the kingdom to inite time (II Peter 3:8 "be not /
5 But the rest of the dead lived and the greatness of the God, even the Father; when he shall ignorant of this one thing, that one /
not again until the thousand years kingdom under the whole heaven, have put down all rule, and all day is with the Lord as a thousand /
were finished. This is the first shall be given to the people of authority and power. years, and a thousand years as one /
resurrection. the saints of the Most High, For he must reign, till he hath day") or possibly 360,000 years /
whose kingdom is an everlasting put all enemies under his feet. according to the year for a day /
kingdom and all dominions shall The last enemy that shall be hypothesis. /
serve and obey him. destroyed is death. /
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath Isaiah 61:6 But ye shall be named For he hath put all things under "The first resurrection": The true /
part in the first resurrection: on the priests of the Lord: men his feet. believers are given life at this /
such the second death hath no shall call you The ministers I Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen time to reign and judge with Christ. /
power, but they shall be priests of of our God: generation, a royal priesthood, The next resurrection is for the /
God and of Christ, and shall reign Luke 14:15 ... Blessed is he that nonbelievers following the millenn- /
with him a thousand years. Ezekiel 38:15-16 And thou shalt shall eat bread in the kingdom ium. The nonbelievers must suffer a /
7 And when the thousand years are come from thy place out of the of God. second death after their final /
expired, Satan shall be loosed out north parts, thou, and many Hebrews 10:30 ...Vengeance belongeth judgment, the final sentence to /
of his prison, people with thee, all of them unto me, I will recompense, saith the "lake of fire" from which there /
8 And shall go out to deceive the riding upon horses, a great the Lord. And again, the Lord seems to be no hope of return. /
nations which are in the four company, and a mighty army: shall judge his people. "This is the second Death" which is /
quarters of the earth, Gog and And thou shalt come up against John 5:29 And shall come forth; they for an eternity of torment. Why /
Magog, to gather them together to my people of Israel, as a cloud that have done good, unto the resu- then are so many people living /
battle: the number of whom is as to cover the land; it shall be rrection of life; and they that their life in a manner that is /
the sand of the sea. in the later days, and I will have done evil, unto...damnation. guaranteed to lead to this end and /
9 And they went up on the breadth bring thee against my land, II Peter 3:7 But the heavens and even some people will boastfully /
of the earth, and compassed the that the heathen may know me, earth, which are now, by the same announce that they want to go to /
camp of the saints about, and the when I shall sanctified in thee, word are kept in store, reserved hell? Satan seems to be gather- /
beloved city: and fire came down O Gog, before their eyes. unto fire against the day of ing more followers all the time, /
from God out of heaven, and Psalms 55:21-22 The words of his judgment and perdition of un- in a time when the Word is avail- /
devoured them. mouth were smoother than godly men. to all who are willing to seek it. /
butter, but war was in his II Thessalonians 1:8-10 In flaming /
heart: his words were softer fire taking vengeance on them that Satan loosed: And we have a mystery as /
10 And the devil that deceived them than oil, yet were they drawn know not God, and that obey not to why this is necessary since it /
was cast into the lake of fire and swords. the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: seems to be a setting loose into /
brimstone, where the beast and the Cast thy burden upon the Who shall be punished with ever- futility. But we note that satan /
false prophet are, and shall be Lord, and he shall sustain lasting destruction from the pre- will again be able to gather follow- /
tormented day and night for ever thee: he shall never suffer sence of the Lord, and from the ers for this final futile battle. /
and ever. the righteous to be moved. glory of his power; What is the source of this final /
But thou, O God, shalt bring When he shall come to be glorified army of followers? We like to /
them down into the pit of in his saints, ... think that it is only people of the /
of destruction: bloody and II Thessalonians 2:11-12 And for this second resurrection, but the wording /
deceitful men shall not live cause God send them strong delusion, leads us to believe that even during /
out half their days;... that they should believe a lie: Christ's presence on earth there /
Psalms 69:27-28 Add iniquity unto That they all might be damned will again be those who will not /
their iniquity: and let them who believed not the truth, but accept His authority. And once more /
not come into thy righteous- had pleasure in unrighteousness. it will be necessary for Him to /
ness. I Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; demonstrate His destructive power. /
11 And I saw a great white throne, Let them be blotted out of the because your adversary the devil, /
and him that sat on it, from whose book of the living, and not be as a roaring lion, walketh about, The "great white throne" judgment: We /
face the earth and the heaven fled written with the righteous. seeking whom he may devour; can express a sigh of relief for the /
away; and there was found no place But I am poor and sorrowful: Hebrews 9:27 ...it is appointed unto final judgment has at last arrived! /
for them. let thy salvation, O God set me once to die, but after this the Every person must be judged for his /
12 And I saw the dead, small and up on high. judgment. works, even the believer as Paul said. /
great, stand before God; and the Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared Philippians 4:3 ...labourers, whose II Corinthians 5:10 "For we must all /
books were opened: and another the Lord spake often one to names are in the book of life. appear before the judgment seat of /
book was opened, which is the book another: and the Lord hearkened, Romans 2:5-11 But, after thy hardness Christ; that every one may receive /
of life: and the dead were judged and heard it, and a book of rem- and impenitent heart, treasurest the things done in his body, according /
out of those things which were embrance was written before him up unto thyself wrath against the to that he hath done, whether it be /
written in the books, according to for him that feared the Lord... day of wrath and revelation of good or bad." Romans 10-11 " for we /
their works. Jeremiah 17:10 I the Lord search the righteous judgment of God; shall all stand before the judgment /
13 And the sea gave up the dead the heart, I try the reins, Who will render to every man seat of Christ. ... every knee shall /
which was in it; and death and hell even to give every man accord- according to his deeds: bow to me, every tongue shall confess" /
delivered up the dead which were ing his ways, and according to To them who by patient contin- The reward of the nonbeliever is the /
in them: and they were judged the fruit of his doings. uance in well doing seek for "lake of fire". Salvation does not /
every man according to their works. Isaiah 5:14-15 Therefore hell hath glory and honour and immortality, result from good works, but (James /
14 And death and hell were cast enlarged herself, and opened eternal life: 2:17) "Even so faith, if it hath not /
into the lake of fire. This is the her mouth without measure: and But unto them that are content- works, is dead". Also the believer, /
second death. their glory, and their ious, and do not obey the truth, even though the joy of being in the /
15 And whosoever was not found multitude, and their pomp, and but obey unrighteousness, indig- presence of the Lord will not be /
written in the book of life was he that rejoiceth, shall nation and wrath, diminished, will be rewarded according /
cast into the lake of fire. descend into it. Tribulation and anguish, upon to his works, both on earth and in /
And the mean man shall be every soul of man that doeth the presence of the Lord. It is far /
brought down, and the mighty evil; of the Jew first, and also better to be in the presence of the /
man shall be humbled, and the of the Gentile: Lord for ever, even without any /
eyes of the lofty shall be But glory, honour, and peace, to heavenly rewards than to receive the /
humbled. every man that worketh good; to second death. But how much better /
But the Lord of hosts shall the Jew first, and also to the to receive heavenly rewards for good /
be exalted in judgment, and Gentile: works!! /
God that is holy shall be For there is no respect of /
sanctified in righteousness. persons with God. /
Matters of Contention: There has been much discussion of the two "1000 years" Scholars also love to provide conjecture about the /
resurrections separated by 1000 years to which we are introduced. 1000 year reign of Christ and the saints. In fact not all scholars /
Other passages mention the two resurrections but do not indicate agree that the reign will be on a physical earth and provide the /
the great time separation between the two, such as that of John belief that the earth will be so destroyed that physical life on /
5:29. The word resurrection is found only in two instances in the earth will not be possible. But other Scholars point to the many /
book we are studying. We are told that the just lived to reign prophecies that are yet unfulfilled which require a utopia type /
for the 1000 years and the unjust live not again until the final of existence for the remnant of Israel. Isaiah 11:9 " They shall /
judgment after the 1000 years. Obviously not all scholars agree not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall /
that it is a literal 1000 years. But what of those that are alive be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." /
at this time, are their any just and what is their fate? We then This many say will be accomplished only during the millennium. /
look at I Thessalonians 4:16-18 & 5:1-2 "For the Lord himself shall Many say that we have further descriptions of the millennium in the /
descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, writings of the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel and Zechariah. But it is /
and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: only here that the time length of 1000 years is associated with /
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with a period of reign of the Lord and the saints. Many have pondered /
them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we concerning the reign with such questions as: Will there be birth /
ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these and death during this reign. Will their be unbelievers alive? /
words. But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that They assume there must be unbelievers or how else would satan /
I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the gather his army for one final attack on the "beloved city". /
Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." But have we not just Will unbelievers be given an opportunity for salvation during /
compounded our problems? We have resorted to a passage of this period if they are alive. Many see portions of chapter /
scripture that many scholars interpret to pertain to the rapture 21 to be concerning the millennium since they seem to correspond /
(taking away) of the church prior to the great tribulation and the to portions of scripture from writings of Daniel, Isaiah and /
great and terrible day of the Lord. They point to the sequencing Ezekiel which many see as being about the millennium. The authors /
of the words to indicate that this event happens before the would like to propose that there will be many similarities between /
tribulation. Also this is a different event since the coming of the millennium reign and the new heavens and earth of eternity. /
the Lord as described in chapter 19 since the trumpet did not As we have been informed that the tabernacle, the temple on earth /
announce the coming. Also following the resurrection is described and the ancient ceremonies associated with them were representative /
a judgement in which we see two groups, those setting on thrones of things in heaven and things of the future. In like manner we /
performing judgment and the martyrs from the tribulation. From believe that the things of the millennium will be precursors /
I Corinthians 6:2 "Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the of the eternal kingdom. So much speculation and conjecture! It is /
world?" we know that the judges are saints. Have they also been a blessing to read and understand the Revelation (1:3), but it is /
resurrected or were they from the earlier rapture? As we have best to not be too dogmatic and to be totally occupied with this /
studied this book we have carefully looked for the time of the study lest one forget the many other requirements and commandments /
rapture. We have seen a number of groups in heaven but we are that are provided in the scriptures for study and enjoyment. /
never told directly that they have been raptured. In fact /
the time of the rapture and any details of the rapture are not /
directly mentioned in the Revelation, they can only be inferred. /
Now back to our original question, what of the just that are on /
earth when the lord comes? Again we are not directly told, some /
scholars infer that no just remain on the earth, others think that /
they will remain alive on earth and their body will be changed into /
a resurrection body, others feel that they will first be caught up /
as in the rapture and then return with the multitude that follow /
the Lord. One of many matters of discussion by scholars. /